Fun & Function

Surfdam produces hydropower and surfable waves

When Ecology and Economy meet

Combining Leisure with infrastructure results in outsized economic returns

Hydro energy plants are one of the cleanest sources of energy. A difference in the elevation of water not only can produce electricity but waves as well. Combining the two makes a win-win case for ecology and the local economy.

Static Wave

Suited for most Surfdams as the required difference in elevation is minimal.

Wave pool

By dropping a large mass of water at the same time we can create waves. It is a proven technique used in the very first commercial wave pools.

Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions from people who are super excited and also from the skeptics. We assembled them here

What is your status?

We passed an initial feasibility study. Based on this result and market study we are developing a mini hydro storage Surfdam with a static wave. The location and start date for the pilot project are not confirmed. Subscribe to our newsletter to be updated

How will your wave compare to other wave parks?

Our static wave will be a "deep" static wave, not a sheet wave. So you will be able to surf on the static wave with a regular surfboard. This is comparable with other static wave companies.
Our wave park (with a real moving wave) will have to make some compromises on wave variation compared to other wave parks. However, our wave will be a fun wave suitable for all levels. Due to our energy concept we will be competitive on entry price compared to other wave park concepts

Are you looking for Funding?

At this stage, we are still self-funded. We are not looking for funding at the moment, maybe in later stages.

How Can I get involved?

Subscribe to our newsletter. We will do a presale for surfing slots at seriously discounted rates at our pilot location (to be confirmed)

Let's keep in Contact

It is very important to us to keep connected to the people who support our mission.
If you want to help us make Surfdam a reality, please leave your contact information.

Working too hard to have social media accounts :-)

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